This was a status that a male friend of mine posted yesterday. As you can see it was very popular with 86 likes, 12 comments and 6 shares. I have beef with this post and all the other post and memes in the world that are always complaining about women regarding what we do, what we say, how we look, how we act, etc. Why, why, why!
Us women are constantly being scrutinized for every little thing we do. Wear too much makeup? You're fake. Don't wear enough makeup? You're ugly. Got a big butt and big boobs? You're a hoe. Always posting on social media? You're seeking attention. Got a lot of guy friends? You must be smashing them all.
Listen up men! Us women don't do everything for your satisfaction, for your pleasure, or for your validation. Is it so hard to believe that a woman dresses up, glams up just for herself? Is it hard to believe that a woman can post selfies without seeking attention but she posted it because she likes her makeup and outfit that day?
Let's make one thing clear regarding the status above. Men are just as guilty when it comes to being attention seekers on social media. I've seen countless men post selfies of their bodies; showing off their abs and arms. I've see men posting pictures of their cars, money, and outfits. Sometimes these men that post these kind of pictures are just fronting for the likes to boost their egos and be "thirst traps".
If we're going to talk about how women need to chill with selfies, thirst traps or whatever you want to call it, men need to be held accountable as well when they do the same things. If we're talking about how women need to practice modesty in all areas of their life including social media, men need to do the same.
When I saw this post I looked at it from a Christian point of view. Yes women should practice modesty, a Christian woman knows this but a Christian man knows he should practice modesty as well.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20New International Version (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
The fact that men think us women do everything for their satisfaction and their viewing pleasure and we need their validation is hilarious. It must be crazy to think that a woman really could do things without taking a man's opinion into consideration.
I have a boyfriend and he's a God fearing man but I do all things for my heavenly Father and even if I lost him tomorrow I would continue to glorify my Father because at the end of all this the only man that matters is the man upstairs. I do things for the Lord's satisfaction, to please my Lord and I only need His validation.
I know that not everyone who reads this may be a Christian like myself but at the end of the day when it comes to this subject, if you want to point the finger at women being attention seekers on social media, you have to point the finger at men too. Both parties are at fault and one is not worst than the other. Lets also keep in mind that not everything a woman does is for the attention of men. It's not all about you. Sometimes it's about her.