Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hey everyone!

My name is Ashley and here is an opportunity to share my ideas, thoughts, and experiences.
So about me; I'm just a girl from the Bronx.  Being from the Bronx, you just have a different way of thinking, talking, walking, everything.  You grow up fast and you become strong and resilient. Here in this blog you'll see just that and more.
I'm 23 years old and  I currently reside in Lancaster, PA. I recently graduated from Millersville University with a Bachelor's of Science in Speech Communication with a concentration in broadcasting.  I am now working in Lancaster for LNP Media Group Inc's Spanish newspaper "La Voz" as their multimedia advertising executive.
My blog will be an array of things.  Testimonies, lessons, poetry, ideas, and thoughts.  I was never given a platform to share any of these things so I decided to make my own and here is where I'm starting.
I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope to make an impact on my readers.
Peace and love.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, congrats on starting a new project and to starting a new chapter in life! I know it takes a GREAT deal of courage sharing pieces of your life with everyone,literally! Thank you for your honesty and bravery! Being genuine is a trait we see less and less these days, so I commend you on creating a platform where people can get the raw, undeniable truth! I be supporting your throughout this endeavor! Good luck and keep serving us that much need Ramen soup for the soul.
